可访问性 Resource Office

The 可访问性 Resource Office at Indiana State University collaborates with students and the university community to create accessible educational and social/living environments through support services and programs.

The 可访问性 Resource Office provides accommodations to students experiencing barriers due to diagnoses including but not limited to ADHD, 学习障碍, chronic medical conditions, 精神疾病, 视力障碍, and hearing impairments. The 可访问性 Resource Office also coordinates accommodations for students with temporary diagnoses including but not limited to concussions, 骨折, and post-surgery recovery. Accommodations are not retroactive, and we encourage students with (dis)abilities to register for and/or request renewal of accommodationsprior to the start of the semester. 学生 are required to complete an annual renewal of accomodations process by submitting an updated 可访问性 Resource Office | Intake Application.

To request accommodations for classes and/or in the residence halls, please do the following:

1)完成 可访问性 Resource Office| Intake Application.

2) Attach documentation to the intake application (See below for documentation requirements).

3) Accommodation requests will not be reviewed until the intake application and documentation are received. Once both the intake application and documentation are received, the 可访问性 Resource Office staff may connect with students to determine reasonable accommodations. Please note that it can take up to two weeks for response from office staff.

Documentation Requirements:

All documentation must contain the following: specific 诊断。 (or diagnoses); description of the 限制(s) 和/或影响(s) of the condition(s);轮廓 accommodations requested; and address how the accommodations directly reduce or alleviate those condition(s), 限制(s), 和/或影响(s). Documentation may include one or more of the following types of documents, which may be combined to address the above required information:

  • IEP计划/ 504
  • Medical records/patient portal diagnostic summary
  • Letter from a healthcare professional, which confirms a 诊断。 and notes the 限制(s) 和/或影响(s) of the condition(s) and how the accommodations directly reduce or alleviate those condition(s), 限制(s), 和/或影响(s)
  • Full evaluation/diagnostic report (e.g. MFE ETR)
  • Cognitive/learning assessments (e.g. Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale, Woodcock-Johnson III)
  • Accommodation provider form: please note that while this form is a guide to ensure accommodations providers give all the types of information, care providers will likely need to attach additional pages to thoroughly address the question due to space constraints.


The 可访问性 Resource Office team can be reached at isu-dss@lgmobilereg.com or 812-237-3829.